Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Walk for Water

A few of my friends started a non-profit organization called 4more. It was started because they have a heart for Rwandan orphans. One of my friends, Laurel, recently adopted a sweet, sweet boy named Myles. Anyway, this Saturday they are holding an event called Walk for Water. Here is the clip. The promo video is only a minute long so take a look, but I will be working there as well as walking!

Every morning, Rwandan children (and so many other children) wake up and walk to get water....that isn't even clean. Each participant will walk one mile holding a gallon jug filled with water. They are raising money to try and bring freshwater to some of the communities they work with.

Love you guys!

Monday, September 27, 2010


 The upstairs of our house still has major work to be done. The one room- currently our office- has one desk it in. Being that Jimmy and I both need a work space, I have been on the look out for something that I can use as a desk, as well as a sewing machine table. The other evening on our daily "Wyatt walk", we found this sitting in our neighbor's yard with a FREE sign on it! I jumped at the chance and we drove back and picked it up. I'm thinking I may repaint it sometime when I have a few extra days on my hands, but I was pumped that this was FREE!!

Andy and Cara's Wedding

I had to post this picture I just took outside from our apt.'s "Juliette balcony". It has finally rained here. It hasn't in a long time, but the sunset is coming through the dark clouds. It is stinking gorgeous!

Brad and I got back yesterday from Indiana. We were there for a short weekend again to celebrate my brother, Andy's, wedding. The ceremony and reception was outside in Bloomington, Indiana. It was beautiful. The weather was fantastic. And we all had a lot of fun. I am so happy for them and I keep checking Ben and Laura's blog for their pictures. They are in the Dominican right now on their honeymoon.

Here are some pics from the weekend. I didn't get many since I was in it, but enough.

On Friday at the rehearsal dinner, I planned a Minute to Win it competition based on the NBC gameshow between the bridal party. I used my Mac and youtube to download the instructional videos they show on the TV show from the Internet. Before each game I played the British accented woman who rule clips then the Minute to Win it timer. People laughed, got competitive, and had so much fun! Eric Bland, one of my brother's Taylor roomies won. Here are some of the games we played.

"Penny Hose" - had to retrieve pennies at the bottom of each leg of the panty hose without giving help to one hand from the other

"Movin on Up" had to get a blue cup back to the bottom by bringing each red cup to the bottom alternating hands.

"On the Nose" had to get 5 cotton balls from one bowl to the other using petroleum jelly on the nose only
"Junk in the trunk" had to get 8 ping pong balls out of an empty kleenex box tied above the butt by shaking the butt and hips.

"Bobblehead" had to get as many bobbles as possible on a pedometer attached to a sweatband.

We did 8 games with people getting eliminated each round until Eric won! It was a ton fun.

Saturday was perfect. Andy and Cara seemed very excited and in love. I am happy for them! Here are some pics.

Brian's First Day!

Today is Brian's official *first day* as the Senior IT Business Analyst for Hennepin County. I thought he looked especially snazzy, so I had to capture the moment. Okay, maybe a couple moments.

I'm so blessed by Brian. He's a hard worker and faithful provider. Our little girl has no idea how much his Daddy loves her and the ways he's already sacrificed in order for her to have a happy life. One day she'll know.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Things are just peachy down in the Peach State

Here are some pics from last week.

First off, Bonnie loves baths. She tries to jump into the tub when I turn the water on. Once she is in, she puts her head under the faucet and moves it back and forth like Stevie Wonder when he plays the piano. I always blow dry her afterward so she doesn't smell like a wet doggie. She gets very spunky during this time. (She likes blow dryers too. Every morning when I turn mine on she runs into the bathroom to sit by me) So here is our little blondie cutie pie puppy! She is spoiled, very spoiled.

Brad started class last week. Yay for 1 year left! He is impressing me more than ever. He has a show in a couple weeks at a gallery and volunteered to be the president of his print department. As I type this, he is co-teaching a 4 hour demonstration class for teaching professionals. Go Brad! We have already started the search for art professor openings. Taylor had 2, but unfortunately were not of Brad's concentration and are already filled. Here is a goofy picture of him before he went to catch the bus to school. He said his mom always did a picture of him and his brother leaning against the tree with their one leg bent behind. I love it!

I am trying to become more domesticated and crafty, as you can tell in my baking and cooking efforts. (I get inspired from several blogs and websites. Two of my favorites are "A Beautiful Mess" and "The View from Africa"- by Erica Anderson {she lived in english and was an el. ed major with Lauren and me}. Speaking of Erica, she just did a cute silhouette project I have been wanting to do for years so I plan on starting that soon too.) I am also learning how to knit from one of my 89 year old friends. But lately I have also had a desire to sew and make things. Enter the Singer Machine... My brother gave me it to me for my bday. I did sewing in 4-H and home ec, but haven't in a long time. I decided this week to give it a whirl. I went to the fabric store and bought a "very very easy vogue" dress pattern. Well, it wasn't very very easy. I packed it up until I have practiced more. Here is a picture of the pattern. I laid it out, pinned it, cut it, and then realized I laid it the wrong direction of the fabric. Go figure! I am going to start with an easier project, like an apron or a pillow. Until then...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

38 Weeks

Yes, still pregnant. And getting more anxious to meet this little gal by the second! Am I ready for labor and delivery though? Ummm...I don't exactly have a choice once it all starts:) But I trust God will supply all my needs--His grace is sufficient for me!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Brian's NEW Job!!!

Hi, gals! So...I figured it was time to update you with what's going on here in Eden Prairie. The BIGGEST news is that Brian will officially no longer be the Executive Assistant to the Sr. Pastor at Grace starting next Monday (September 13). Especially since our awareness of the upcoming baby, Brian has been casually searching for jobs. In more recent weeks and months, he became more aggressive with his explorations for a couple reasons:

1) Realizing more-than-ever that he just doesn't feel fulfilled in his current position.
2) Thinking more long-term provision for the family.

As with any job search it became slightly disheartening when companies weren't getting back with Brian, but we kept trusting that God was closing the right doors...and that He would still be fully capable of providing for us if Brian did end up staying with the church. Well, just recently, this job with Hennepin County opened up...and they snatched Brian up (smart move!). His new title is Sr. IT Business Analyst. So he's going from working for a church a couple miles away to catching a bus which will take him downtown Minneapolis to the government center. We're very excited, and of course would appreciate your prayers as Brian transitions. God is so good!

Weekend in PA

This weekend we made our first roadtrip as a family of 4 out to Pennsylvania for Chad's wedding. I will have pictures of the wedding on the Duncan blog soon, but I wanted to share these cute pictures of the babies. This was the 1st time my sisters got to meet Leah and it was great to have our whole growing family together!

Campbell (2 yrs old) holding Charlie (8 weeks) and Elijah holding Leah.

Also, Leah has been smiling recently. Isn't she so pretty??

Friday, September 3, 2010

36 Weeks

So this is what it means to be 9 months pregnant.

George Banks put it well (in Father of the Bride Part II):

“We had everything you'd expect when you're expecting: Leg cramps, backaches and cravings…And the women were worse!”

Ha ha. That line cracks me up every time.

This was our first appointment where the doctor checked for dilation. Yikes! It's really happening. While I'm not dilated yet (I guess the cervix is "posterior" right now...behind the baby's head), her head is "very low" in my pelvis. will be interesting to see how this effects the rest of pregnancy.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

School is here!

We already finished up our second week at school! I am loving third grade. Just thought I would share the little blog I am doing for our class. I'm trying to get the kids and parents a bit more itnernet savey. Take a look if you're interested. Love you!