Monday, August 23, 2010

Tin Can Tourist

So remember back in May when I posted on Facebook that Brad and I wanted to buy a Vintage Airstream RV? Well we did this past weekend. We bought a 26 foot 1958 Vintage Airstream Overlander - complete with a 4 burner stove, oven, refrigerator, sofa, dining table, desk, closet, bed, and complete bathroom with a shower, toilet, and sink. It is totally rad.

On Saturday Night, my parents took me out to eat for my bday in Southern Indiana and we passed this beauty on the road. The next day on our way back to Atl, we stopped and toured it. After Brad and I dreamed about it for the 8 hour drive home we decided to do something crazy and just get it. It was an incredible steal. The previous owner drove it to Wyoming last summer and was going to again this summer, but he sadly passed away. So we will pick up his dream.

Our plan is to completely redo (redecorate, because as you can see the inside decor leaves much to be desired) the inside and polish the outside. We started our Internet picture Inspiration folder already. (The mechanical parts were replaced last year - so we are in good shape there) Then next June after Brad graduates we are going to go out west for a celebratory trip. I am so pumped! It is going to rock our world. We are going to have to pick it up in September sometime - probably the week of my bro's wedding. We plan on storing it in Indy while we fix it up. We'll have everyone over for a kickoff party once it is shiny and good looking on the inside.

My friend made fun of me at work - she said I wasn't a retired 60 year old and had no business in an RV. But sheesh, I disagree. It is going to be so much fun seeing the world in such a class act trailer. Look 'em up on google - you all should get one too and then we can caravan together.


34 Weeks

Sorry this is a little late, considering the fact that we reach 35 weeks in two days. This picture was taken at 34 weeks, 3 days.

We're in the final stretch...I think. It's strange to really have no idea when she'll decide to come. Are we ready? Hmm, do you ever feel ready? It's such foreign territory...the thought of being parents. But we certainly know God's timing was perfect; therefore, He'll equip us.

I'm having more and more Braxton Hicks contractions, which are preparing my body (and the baby) for the "real thing". Her punches and kicks have been more startling and uncomfortable. I think Brian's been nervous a few times (by my big reaction) that labor is starting. Ha. Whoops!

So excited to introduce you to her in November...and vice versa.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Roxie Jane

This past weekend we went to Richmond, Virginia to see our new baby niece Roxie Jane. She is the name sake of Jimmy's grandmother who passed away and she is such a little cutie. We left on Friday and spent an evening at resort (a long overdue anni trip) in VA. I don;t have too many pics because it wasn't as great as we thought, but we still had a fun time.

I thought this pic was funny because it looks like they are doing the same thing. Whenever Jimmy holds a baby they fall asleep on him. He says because He's boring, babies just fall asleep.
Here is Roxie with her Phillies Onesie on....probably dreaming about them winning the world series or something. :-)
I took this as we were driving away. It's sad that they are so far away, but it was so fun to be with them and spend time with Roxie. Looking forward to doing it again soon!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bonnet Dryer

This evening Brad and I went to the grocery store and made a pit stop at Target and the Beauty Supply Store. I am thinking of cutting my hair an trying to "Marilyn Monroe" it with big poofy curls. A website recommended to use a bonnet dryer with rollers. I found this attachment for 9.99 so I will give it a whirl. Brad decided to play with it first.

Also, please check out this website. Kate Miley had it on her facebook page. I think it is incredible. This mom tries to imagine what her daughter is dreaming and creates the scenes. This one is called "My Precious Pearl". Oh to be creative.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Peanut Butter KELLY Time!!!

Kelly was in town!!! Unfortunately, it was for sad reasons (Rachel's father passed away...she's the bridesmaid who sang in Kelly's wedding). I still can't believe you made that drive by yourself, Kelly...and being pregnant on top of that! Wow. I couldn't have done what you did. Anyway, it was wooooooooonderful for Brian and I to spend time with you. We were together for much of Friday--mainly hanging around at our place to chat, but also going out to eat for lunch and then for dinner with some extended family. This picture was taken at the end of the night, hence why we both look a little sleepy:) Thanks, Kelly, for hanging out with us...we loved seeing you.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hi from Leah

Leah just wanted to say hi to you all and that she can't wait to see you in November! I can't wait to introduce her to the Suite 240 life :).

Monday, August 9, 2010

FLA Vaca

Today was my first day back to work after a week in Florida. Last Sunday, my family (dad, mom, Andy, and his fiance) drove down to Seagrove Beach, Florida - near Destin on the Gulf. We rented a small house on the beach and it was incredible. We had such a good time relaxing in the ocean and in the pool. This was my 3rd trip to that part of Florida so I knew how beautiful it was, but it Brad's first. Luckily, there was no oil from the big spill either.

Throughout the week we relaxed mainly. Brad and I rented bikes and rode them into the very nearby town of Seaside which is stinking adorable with all the cute cottages. We also went out to eat a couple of times and of course did some local shopping. One night we played putt-putt too. It was so relaxing!

I said relaxing like 3 times.. here is me relaxing.

I took like 300 pictures in 1 week. SO here are a ton of pics....

Brad and my favorite spot these blue chairs that looked over the little cliff to the nice beach.

The view from those chairs...
Our cute little orange beach house for the week.

the walkway down to the beach from our backyard.This place had the coolest bathroom. They wallpapered New Yorker Magazine covers on the wall.
Some peeps pics..

a really cute picture of my hubby that I took.

We rode bikes about a mile to the cutest town, Seaside Beach. Among pastel painted beach cottages, there are a bunch of Vintage Airstreams that are juice bars, a BBQ joint, shaved ice, a cocktail bar, and of course a cupcake shop. Brad and I mentioned a couple months ago about wanting to buy one of these and it was so cool to see one in person!
Sheesh ... I know that was a ton of pictures. Sorry all.

P.S. Chrissie I am working on Leah's present. Sorry it wasn't the first one there like Elijah's :(

Sunday, August 8, 2010

ATL Missions Trip!

Hey Everybody!!!

Hope you all had a great weekend! oh man, I am LOVING LIFE right now with our summer crazyness being over! Our summer interns and programs all left/ended last weekend, so it has been a very peaceful and restful week at work...and I hope that continues on to this week as well:)!

Anyway, I just wanted to post some pics of my last trip which was to ATL! Like Jacki said earlier, our group was able to go to Atria where Jacki works one of the afternoons and we got to hangout and play games with some of the residents there.....IT WAS SOOOOO MUCH FUN! The rest of the trip went so well too...I can't get over all the service projects we ended up doing that week, but it was such a great trip and the Lord really blessed it!

Seriously can't wait to see you all in November! I'm counting down the days!
Love, Mal

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Golf and Carrie Underwood

We just returned home from West Virginia. We were there for a couple of days with Jimmy's extended family for the Greenbriar Classic. It was really fun to be at an event like that. After ALWAYS watching golf on TV, it made it a lot more interesting watching it live. The one most of the family golfed in a family tournament. And one evening we had tickets to Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley concert. It was SO FUN. We made our way up to the very front of the stage. I touched Carrie's hand 5 times (ha I was bouncing around with the teeny boppers) and then Brad Paisley came on. We heard about 4 songs and then it started absolutely down pouring so we left. But it was a lot of fun! Here are some pics of the trip. Can't wait for NOVEMBER!!!!!!!

This was the 18th hole where we watched most of the tournament from. There was a prize if a golfer made a hole-in-one, everyone at the 18th won $100. If there were two in one day, you all won $500 and three $1,000 each. So of course this is where I hung out. :-) But no one made it.

This is the day Jimmy and I played. His family played a best ball tournament so it was relaxed and fun to be doing something with Jimmy that he loves to do.

My favorite part of the whole concert was when she sang "Jesus take the wheel" and in the middle of it broke out into "How Great Thou Art". It was amazing.

Here is Brad Paisley. We only caught the first couple songs, but he is one of my favorites. Plus he is married to the "Father of the Bride" daughter. How could you not love that cute couple. :-)

This was before the concert started. It was a bit chilly and we were ready for rain.

This is with some of the Herr cousins. It was POURING rain but we were having so much fun.

This is a picture of Jimmy's grandparents. They are one of the most generous, kind-hearted and genuine couples ever. One of the cousins is a pastor and we had a little family service on Sunday and he talked about God's GOODNESS. I was humbled this weekend by this family and especially this couple. Their testimony to God, each other and family is something that is having long-term effects on this growing family. As I walked away from this trip, I'm praying God will give me opportunities to do the same and show His goodness to others back here at home in my everyday routine. Talk to you all soon! Love you.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Introducing...Leah Doris Duncan!!!

Hi Girls!

Brad, Max and I had the privilege of visiting Chrissie, Kirk, Doris, Elijah, and LEAH at the hospital tonight! I'll tell you what - Chrissie looked AMAZING, especially considering she just had a baby this morning. Plus, she was in her chipper, talkative mood as usual...again, don't know how she does it...I know she must have been SO tired. It was so great to see them all and meet Leah! She is adorable, of course. Here are a couple pics, and a video we took just for you all! Wish we could all live close together, but for now I am thankful that I live near at least one of my dear friends :) And, we'll all see each other SOON!!!

Welcome to the world, sweet baby Leah! We love you already :)