Monday, January 31, 2011

Who says I'm not spontaneous....

For Christmas and our anniversary, I asked Jimmy for a weekend away (thinking around PA somewhere). However, there are two other couples (cousins) who do not have kids yet that we have mentioned many times about going away together. So, the guys picked the dates and the girls nabbed the location and travel plans. And before I knew it....we were Mexico bound.

We arrived late Thursday and left Sunday night. It really was a FAST TRIP, but so fun. The weather was wonderful, the company was a blast and we came back refreshed.

The boys are Jimmy's cousins and their wives have become good friends. The talk started the first week in January and the 27th we flew to Mexico on an amazing deal with airfare and hotel. 
And now....back to reality and lots of snow and ice. :-)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

An Interesting Discovery

I don't know if you noticed, but in the last blog post I typed your names in alphabetical order. Yes, I did that on purpose. Anyhow, as I look at them again I realize how orderly they are.

(skip E-I)

Way to go, us!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

One of those Moments

Do you gals ever have times when tears well up in your eyes thinking of all the ways God has blessed you? I'm experiencing that as I type. I've been going through a John MacArthur study on the book of Daniel and one of the questions it asked of me this week was what way can I be used of God that I'm not taking advantage of right now. Well, it dawned on me that I should be more expressive to friends like yourselves of my gratitude for you. There's something encouraging to know someone's thinking of I want you to know I'm thinking of all of YOU right now (and do more times than I can possibly keep track of).

Chrissie...I love your laughter, your peacefulness, your loyalty.
Jacki...I love your generosity, your humor, your compassion.
Kelly...I love your drive, your hugs, your support.
Lauren...I love your submissive heart, your purity, your listening ear.
Mallory...I love your childlike faith, your passion, your commitment.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Elijah is 2!

We had a great time celebrating Elijah's 2nd birthday today! We went to the Childrens Museum (which he loved), Panera, and finished the day with a Gigis cupcake which he thoroughly enjoyed, as you can see :). You can go to the Duncan blog to see more pics. We are so thankful for this little guy! I want to thank you girls too for loving Elijah and praying for him...we are incredibly grateful for the support of family and friends.

31 weeks and playdough

First, Lauren, you are the CUTEST Amish woman EVER! I love it :) I smiled big when I saw that picture (and, thanks for your efforts in keeping the blog alive!! I apologize for my lack of participation in this area!)

Well, I'm 31 weeks (actually, almost 32 weeks now) - seriously, this pregnancy has gone SOOOO fast - I'm wondering if it's because of the busyness of the holidays, too? I know I still have 2 months, but 32 sounds far along to me. So, here's the updated picture, although I know I saw many of you recently.

Also, here's one of Max playing with some play dough we made. We put different colors of food coloring in it, and he really had a blast with it (kept molding it around his foot, actually).

P.S. - I know I look pretty bad in this picture - it was late at night, and I was still recovering from pink eye (that I caught from Max) - oh well.

Blurry, but you get the idea :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Trying to keep this blog alive.....

Yesterday we had character day at school. We are going through our read aloud book which is called Shoo-fly Girl. It is about an Amish girl in Lancaster County. I dressed up as her for the day and we ate shoo-fly pie. Ha ha. So thankful I do not have to dress like that everyday.

A few of my kiddos dressed up too.
What's been happening in your worlds?

Monday, January 3, 2011


Tyler got married on the 27th and it was such a fun day. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas. Love you!