Monday, August 23, 2010

34 Weeks

Sorry this is a little late, considering the fact that we reach 35 weeks in two days. This picture was taken at 34 weeks, 3 days.

We're in the final stretch...I think. It's strange to really have no idea when she'll decide to come. Are we ready? Hmm, do you ever feel ready? It's such foreign territory...the thought of being parents. But we certainly know God's timing was perfect; therefore, He'll equip us.

I'm having more and more Braxton Hicks contractions, which are preparing my body (and the baby) for the "real thing". Her punches and kicks have been more startling and uncomfortable. I think Brian's been nervous a few times (by my big reaction) that labor is starting. Ha. Whoops!

So excited to introduce you to her in November...and vice versa.