Monday, October 18, 2010

Strawberry Pillow

I had to work this past weekend so I got to take today off and I get tomorrow as well!

Well... I have decided that I am going to try and make enough cutie pie baby goodies so that I can sell them on Etsy (a fun website of handmade things - if you have never been on it you should right now!) I am knitting more and more and today I worked on two strawberry pillows for a little girl's room. I probably won't start selling stuff for awhile. But once I have enough products and practice I am going to share them with all.

This is one strawberry pillow I made (I got the instructions from It is an awesome website for knitting and sewing) I made a pink one too but I have to put some finishing touches on it tomorrow.

I am also in the process of knitting all the little ones in our circles a little surprise. I am hoping Darla got her's last week for Clara. And I will give the rest out at the reunion.

Anyway I had a fun day off.


  1. You are amazingly talented. Not at all "average" ;)

  2. WOW...LOVE LOVE LOVE. Wish I had a little one to get a hat like that! You are amazing Jacki! I wish we lived closer so we could work together. You inspire me! :-)

  3. So so so cute! Etsy is an obsession of mine.

  4. Jacki...don't even know what to adorable. I will definitely buy (at least) one from you!

  5. Where can I buy this strawberry pillow?
