Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Ok so I never knew how pollinated Atlanta or the south was. Yesterday on the news they said on the pollen scale it is "miserable" level. I have never had allergies or problems with that, but sheesh I have been blowing my nose so much. Today was the first day I also noticed how yellow and how much pollen is out and about. I took some pictures of a car in our parking garage that is just covered in yellow pollen. I hope you can see how crazy this is.

Tomorrow is my first soccer practice. Wish me well.


  1. Ok that is crazy! Yuck, that would be terrible on my allergies. Good luck at soccer practice!

  2. I hope you took pictures at soccer practice and will share with us :)

  3. No wonder your allergies are kickin' up! Ick!

  4. How did soccer go? Nice wheels. Who knew you drove a caddy?
