Wednesday, June 30, 2010

27 Weeks*

*We're now being told our due date is October 2, which would make our 27 week mark on Saturday (3 days from now) instead of today. The Nurse Practitioner and Ultrasound Technician gave us the September date, and the Doctor gave us the October date. Oh well. What's a few days really going to matter in the long run?? Although Brian and I are still inclined to go with September 29...FYI.

Soon enough we'll be wrapping up month 6 of pregnancy, as the 27th week is its caboose (not sure why the random train analogy). According to average stats, our little girl is a whole 15 inches long and weighs in at 2 pounds!!! And now for the surprising fact of this stage: She has more taste buds now than she'll have at birth. That would explain why I've noticed her react to different kinds of food...I think she likes sweets like her Mommy:)

Oh, I almost forgot! Here's a picture of the baby and me at 27 weeks.


  1. I'm totally craving sweets too! I'm pretty sure we are going to have little girl buddies :). Possibly future roomies??

  2. wow... your little bump is so petite just like you.. so cute!
