Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday morning FUN

Tomorrow afternoon is my "soon to-be sister" Ali's shower. She and Tyler are going to get married on December 27th (our same anniversary) so the wedding is right around the corner!

The theme of the shower is a vintage tea. My sister assigned myself to make the scones...hmmm...wonder why. Who really LOVES scones? Not me. But anyways, this morning I made two kinds of scones
1. Butterscotch-pecan scones
2. Orange-cranberry scones
They tasted pretty yummy out of the oven, so hopefully with a little cream tomorrow, they will taste ok. This was a picture of my kitchen. What a disaster!

A glimpse of the finished product!

And since Jimmy is golfing on this GORGEOUS Saturday, I'm left with the pup! I think he is annoyed that I'm home because he is used to quiet days....that or he wants a scone. :-)

And lastly, this is what is parked outside of our house. Since Jimmy started working for Herr's, he brings it home each night and leaves SUPER early in the mornings from our house. Ha ha. It's HUGE. Sometimes we have competitions (of course we do) inside. Jimmy will tell me the number of a kind of chip (each type of chip, flavor and bag size has a number) and he will time me on how long it takes for me to find it. I know...we're kind of lame. But I love to win.....and hate to lose.

Have a happy weekend!!! SO SO SO close to MN time! I am SUPER excited!
Love you!


  1. Thank you for making me laugh out loud. I wish I could play that game with you.

  2. I laughed out loud so much seeing that Herr's Truck... I love it!

    And the scones look so yummy. I wished we lived closer and could have a baking day. That would be so fun.

  3. Lauren, I can TOTALLY see you two playing the "find the bag of chips" game - seriously hilarious!
