Saturday, February 12, 2011

We've decided on a name...

Well, we've officially decided on Molly for baby girl Yordy's first name! (And by official, I mean I bought some letters from Pottery Barn Kids and Brad nailed them to the wall). Haven't decided on a middle name yet, and probably won't until she has arrived or is close to arriving.

I'm pretty sure I told all of you earlier about needing to do a c-section again (if not, read the my other blog, because I just explained the gist of it on there). It looks like it's going to be March 10th! Kind of crazy to know a date ahead of time (at least, as far as we know right never know what can change in a couple of weeks). I would really love your prayers for health and safety for me and Molly over the next few weeks - I just really want her to be able to stay in there until the 10th!

Will keep you posted - love and miss you all :)


1 comment:

  1. The room looks soooooo cute! Love the name...I think I've told you that a million times. Praying for you guys.
