Thursday, March 25, 2010

Amy Nose

Hi girls,

You probably remember Amy - she was one of our housekeepers in English. Her husband shot her today, then committed suicide. He took her hostage early this morning, and it wasn't over until 6:00pm or so tonight. They have a daughter who's a freshman at Taylor, and a daughter who is in high school and is on the UCC youth group Florida spring break trip. He had been abusive for awhile, I guess, and she was in a safe house for battered women, but then moved to her mom's house (near the baseball fields in Upland), and that's where he got to her this morning.

Just please be praying for their whole family, especially the daughters, and for Amy's co-workers and the students at Taylor (she was the Bergwall housekeeper this year).

Here are some links to read more info about the whole thing.

Love you all - so thankful for you, and for all of our wonderful husbands who love the Lord, and love, honor, and respect us. It breaks my heart to think of women and children who aren't as fortunate as we are.

Love, Kelly


  1. kelly! wow that is terrible. I CANNOT believe that. Definitely a grateful heart tonight for all of our husbands. WOW.

  2. Her daughter is a sophomore--and was getting ready to leave for Poland in 2 days on the Spring Break Missions trip.
