Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Inspired (and ditto on the healthcare bill)

Jacki, I have to echo your comments on the health care bill.  I watched our President sign it into law this morning and it saddened me to hear him talk about a "victory" for the American people...which people exactly?These sort of government mandates are essentially the beginning of the end of freedom in our country.  If they can mandate health coverage, what is next? But, like you said, it is important to remain cognizant of the fact that our God is bigger and stronger and we know who has the ultimate victory.

So, on to the inspired part of this post :).  Jacki, you inspired me to get some live flowers in our house.  I picked these up yesterday as I was grocery shopping and I'm excited for the Fishers farmers market to start at the beginning of May because I'll be able to get fresh local flowers there! I laughed too, because when Kirk came home from work yesterday and saw them he said, "Did you get inspired by Jacki or something?"  Sounds like someone has been reading our blog!

Here they are...bright and springy :).
There's some pink roses in there too that you can't see because they are in the back.
Kirk and I also felt inspired to tackle a puzzle the other night.  I haven't done a puzzle in years and this one is tough!
We are making progress, as you can see, but the bottom part of the puzzle is all sunflowers...not going to be easy to finish this one off!


  1. It makes me happy that you got orange flowers:) Pretty!

  2. pretty flowers Chris! and I would love to sit and do that puzzle with you. maybe when we go to colorado! :-)
